Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Avondale, PA -- Va La Vineyards

Sometimes I get to caught up in the drinking of the wine that I neglect to take pictures for documenting...this would be one of those times.  However, I have this great picture of my man with his wine! 

Everybody's taste buds and wine preferences are different...I like whites and am a bit of a wine amateur, Ben likes reds and is very advanced with his wine knowledge.  The wine selection and production at Va La is small but they make a white (Prima Donna) and two reds (Silk and Mahogany) that make this winery stand out from the other PA wineries.  So far, this winery has the best wines we have tasted from the PA of vineyards.   Obviously we have a lot more wineries to venture too and a lot more wine to drink!

One thing we noticed about Avondale, PA area, and particularly around the area this winery is placed, was how moist it was.  You could feel it in the air, see it on the ground and smell it...oh wait...that was mushrooms we were smelling.  Apparently it's not only ideal for grape growing but also for growing mushrooms.

Absolutely beautiful area to visit...between the scenic appearance and delicious wines, I am already to head back as soon as I can.  Maybe take this hunk above with me too.

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