Sunday, June 15, 2014

West Grove, PA -- Kreutz Creek

Normally I don't write up wineries in the blog unless I'm blown away by them, but Sarah insists that this is an incomplete approach, and it also puts too much of the blogging burden on her ;).   After all, I don't want to be like Andrew Zimmern on Bizarre Foods.   He pretends to like just about everything, and after a while you're thinking he must be full of bull***t.   Some of that stuff he's eating must suck, right?  

So, with that being said, here's my write up on Kreutz Creek.   Now to be fair, I'm not saying Kreutz sucked.   In fact they had some decent wines.   I actually liked their Chard's, although Sarah, the white wine drinker, wasn't blown away.   You don't see a lot of Chardonnay in these parts.  Their reds were "clean" - my wine tasting word for not having any kind of funky smell or taste - but on the other hand I didn't think they had any depth or character.   Overall, nothing remarkable.  I had high hopes for this winery since it's only 3.5 miles from my house.  And while I'll definitely go back, it's not going to be my go-to place.  

I do admire their owner and story - a guy who started out making kit wine and was probably in a boring day job, and then made the leap to commercial wine making.   He's got my respect.   Also, the scene and ambiance there in their vineyard was very nice, and the staff friendly and knowledgeable.   

As an aside, Kreutz has a tasting room in West Chester that looks (from the website and Yelp reviews) to be a pretty happening kind of spot.   They are open late, have bands, food and the like.   So it would seem that unlike a lot of other wineries, they have the sales and marketing side down pat.  

In summary, they are worth a stop if you're in the area, just don't make a special trip.  They have lots of sweet wines on the tasting list which was a red flag for me, but if you're into that kind of thing, then you will definitely like.

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